what we

choice to

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela

And nothing could be more accurate.

At the core of The Choice to Change Foundation, we firmly believe that quality education and healthcare is what will make the ultimate difference in an underprivileged child’s life.

The Choice to Change focuses its efforts mainly on the girl child between the ages of 4-14. The parents of such children are mostly uneducated and are day laborers. Attaining any formal education would have been just a dream for these children. Our foremost objective is to break the endless cycle of poverty by providing primary education, nutritious food and health care to children.













First school hosts 30 children at the Nurar Chala (Lalmati slum) in Dhaka,

A second branch is opened in in Khilkhet (Middle-Zone), another slum area in Dhaka city, which hosts 26 children.

The organization attained Trusteeship status and was titled ‘The Choice to Change Bangladesh Trust.’

56 children, 4 teachers, a Director of Operations and three volunteer administrators helping from abroad.

Expands to enroll an additional 40 new children to take up total number to 96 children and 6 teachers.

Increases total student capacity to 128 students and has 8 teachers.

Starts nursery section.

Has a full-time Headmaster ably assisted by 19 full-time staff. Classrooms and offices are now PC equipped to contribute to a modern teaching and learning approach.

Daily lunch program instituted for 148 children.

The Choice to Change sets up its own fully equipped clinic with essential medicines and latest medical instruments.
The first batch of 16 students appear in the Primary School Certificate (PSC) examination; 8 students secure the highest grade- A+ and another 8 achieve the second highest grade.

The second batch of 20 students appear in the Primary School Certificate (PSC) examination; 14 students secure the highest grade- A+ and another 6 secure the second highest grade.


Our involvement with bringing about a change doesn’t end with just the children. Bringing about a positive change in families and community is vital to their overall well-being. We are involved with:

  • Monthly ‘Parent/Guardian Meetings’
  • Monthly ‘Slum Cleaning Campaigns’
  • Monthly ‘Community Awareness Projects’
  • Quarterly ‘Social Responsibility Campaign

Our Future Plans

Our vision is long term, and our mission is sustainability. We plan to undertake many activities to help the community in which our students live such as:

  • Community awareness campaigns – hygiene, family planning, adverse effects of tobacco
  • Poverty alleviation projects aimed at the students’ families

Our Sponsors

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